Wednesday 7 October 2020

Maths Week Ideas

 As Maths week is next week, I have been putting together some resources to use with my 1st, 2nd and 3rd Class throughout the week.   Here are some of the activities we hope to do during the week.

Maths on the Move

I have already written a blog post on this where you can find a more detailed description.  We do this outdoors and incorporate it into PE. For each class I have copied a set of questions and answers onto card.  These are very versatile as they can also be used for matching games in the classroom. 

1st Class will focus on addition to 15, 2nd will use mental addition strategies and subtraction facts, while 3rd Class will focus on mental addition strategies and times tables.  For a single stream class, simply photocopy the same questions on different coloured paper for each team. When collecting the answers they can only take it is it is their team colour!

There are lots of variations to this game too. The winning team could be the first team with them all matched up or the first team to put them in correct order starting with the smallest. The students always love it from the junior end to the senior end!

Board Games

I ave also put together some board games for each of the classes to revise Maths concepts that we have covered over the past few weeks.  I have laminated the board game & roll and add/round game so each pair have two games.

Topmarks Games

We will be using some of the great interactive games on the Topmarks website too.

If you would like any of the games mentioned above, click on the photos below.